Hogmanay Hootenanny

Sunday 29 December - Thursday 02 January 25
Location: A hut near the village of Kincraig in Aviemore in Cairngorms
Members Price: £115
Non-member price: 


6 in stock

Pay in Full Pay in Installments

Climbing Clan members get £25 off the usual price for this trip.

Getting Clan Membership is quick, easy and much cheaper than you think and will pay for itself. Take a look?

How these trips work

Signing up pays for

  • Accommodation Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night
  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night dinner,
  • a £29 non-refundable deposit
  • Plus we’ll stock the kitchen with tea bags, coffee, milk (dairy and non-dairy), loo roll and washing up stuff.
  • If you require a lift you will need to be available to leave on the morning of the 29th december
  • You will need
  • Waterpooofs
  • insulated jacket
  • gloves and spares
  • Map and compass
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Ice axe
  • Crampons

Some of these may be available to hire and we will try to help you organise this if possible

This is primarily a scrambling, hiking and socialising weekend, but climbers being climbers there may also be some swimming or other outdoor activities going on.

Anything will be arranged ad-hoc though, the main plan is to have fun times together as a group.
We  love dogs, but sadly they're not welcome on this trip

The Hut

We're staying at A hut near the village of Kincraig in Aviemore in Cairngorms.

The hut has toilets, showers, power, bunks, cooking facilities, fresh drinking water. It may not have signal at all on some networks. It doesn't have WiFi. There aren’t big shops nearby. We will have to bring everything with us.

We'll be well located for Cairgorms
Kit List
Vague Plans


I don’t drive, can I come?

Yes. We will arrange lifts for people who can’t drive. Different people bring different skills – it usually works out in the end.

I don’t have a rope or any trad gear – will I be ok?


This primarily isn't a climbing trip. It's a hiking, scrambling and socialising trip.

There may be climbing, but this won't be the place to do your first outdoor climbs, and many experienced people won't be bringing their climbing kit.

What food is included?

Saturday night dinner is included in the cost of the trip.

We'll be recruiting volunteer chefs and will be looking for helpers with prep, washing up etc

Tea, coffee and milk will also be provided (the coffee might only be instant though…maybe pack your cafetière!).

It may be worth bringing some snacks and cake.

I have a special diet?

All dietary requirements and allergies will be catered for - Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Kosher, Meativore, allergic to pepper, etc - please express it on the sign up form

I can't make it for the whole trip, can I get a discount?

You're very welcome to come - but unfortunately we can't offer you a discount. Do come along!

Can I come for the day?

This usually doesn’t work.

All plans are made the night before, usually changing 3-4 times during the night and changing at least once in the morning. This makes it extremely difficult to tell anyone where to be and when. It might be possible to come for the day, if you were prepared to arrive at the hut at ~7am and were prepared for mountains of faff and uncertainty.

You also won’t be able to stay for any social bits on the Saturday night, where the group really gets to know each other.

What if there’s bad weather?

Mountaineering isn’t usually a good sport if the weather is wet. However, there will be some plan B’s in case of unexpected issues (such as really heavy rain). These could be:

  • Go for a scramble
  • Go for a walk
  • Go indoor climbing
  • Go to a museum or tourist attraction
  • Go to the pub

Is this a for-profit, professionally guided event?

The Climbing Clan is fully run by volunteers. No-one is compensated for sharing their climbing and rope skills amongst the group. Nobody is using or assumed to be trained to professional qualifications unless they tell you otherwise in writing.

Everyone that comes to Climbing Clan events recognises that:

that climbing, scrambling and hill walking are activities with a danger of personal injury or death, and by taking part acknowledge they are aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement.

I can't make it. What's your Cancellation Policy?

What is The Climbing Clan?

A group of supportive, friendly people who like to encourage each other to climb and eat cake. Sometimes at the same time.

We support an open, inclusive and accepting atmosphere for all members, whatever their ability or ambition.

Where do we sleep?

We have the hut mostly to ourselves, and we don't segregate on perceived differences, put your sleeping bag in a bunk to reserve that as your place to sleep.

What about Covid-19?

Please be encouraged to take Lateral Flow Tests and play it safe - don't come if you have symptoms. Let's keep the Clan safe. <3

Do I have to volunteer?

Everyone plays a part in making these weekends happen.

You can give us your preferences on what you'd prefer to help with, and we'll do our best to accommodate your choices - but this may not always be possible.

How does transport lift sharing work?

Please have a conversation between lift giver and lift getter about sharing the price of fuel between you. It's up to you to have this conversation and work out something mutually agreeable between you.

Kit List

normal text: things you definitely need
italic: optional things you might like to have

Sleeping things

  • Sleeping bag (mummy style sleeping bags with a hood are best in the UK)
  • Pillow
  • Slippers? (see below)
  • Earplugs and eyemask (other people can be loud, can snore and this may help you sleep better)

Climbing Gear (entirely optional)

If you’re hoping to climb, you’ll need your own gear - there isn’t anywhere to hire it for. At a minimum - you’ll need:

  • Harness
  • Helmet (this needs to be a climbing helmet, kayaking, snowboarding, cycling helmets are designed to protect you from different things)
  • Belay device & karabiner
  • Climbing shoes

Really helpful things to have, even if you’re not leading

If you have any of these things, bring them:

  • extra karabiners
  • some or all of a trad rack
  • half ropes
  • a 50 or 60m rope
  • relevant guidebooks

If you're a trad leader, you should know what to bring (everything!).

Outdoor clothes

The weather and time of year is important to think about, but this is the British Isles, we have to plan for all weathers at all times of year.

  • Outdoor trousers (not denim or jeans of any type)
  • comfortable climbing top
  • underwear
  • waterproof top and bottom
  • an extra warm layer
  • hiking boots
  • thick socks for hiking in
  • gloves + spare gloves
  • a full change of clothes back at camp (for being around the hut)
  • an extra warm layer for belaying
  • hat
  • ice axe
  • crampons
  • buff / scarf
  • swimming costume(!)

General outdoor gear

There is often a walk to any climbing, maybe even a bit of a hike. It’s good to be equipped in case we’re outside longer than expected.

  • Small rucksack (25-40 litre)
  • headtorch
  • water bottle (at least 1 litre)
  • tupperware lunchbox for sandwiches
  • breakfast and lunch tuff for the trip
  • spare batteries
  • suncream
  • sunglasses
  • themos flask
  • midge net / insect repellent
  • first aid kit with plasters, hay fever medication, painkillers
  • phone charger and cable
  • book / cards / headphones
  • walkie-talkies


  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • toiletries
  • all medication and medicines and inhalers you might need
  • towel


As a trial we are not providing breakfast and lunch on this trip however we will be providing communal Tea, coffee, milk etc. The Only meal included in the trip price is the evening meals.

You will be required to supply your own food for your breakfast and lunches and we will give you some guidance on how this might work best.


Times are all subject to change, and are mainly for illustration and to start conversation.


We'll arrive Sunday night - you'll need to sort your own dinner out.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

We'll have breakfast, and then head off outside.

We'll return to the hut for food together, and drinks... and to make lunch and plans for Sunday.

08:00 Breakfast
08:30 Washing Up
09:00 leave hut
16:00 Return to hut
16:10 tea and showers
17:30 Evening Meal Chef Dinner prep start
19:00 Dinner
22:00 Washing Up after dinner coordinated by evening meal washing up marshalls


We'll have breakfast, clean and empty the hut, and head off out.

After Sunday's activities, everyone will head home.

08:00 Breakfast
Clear bedrooms
Clear living room, Have cleaned bedrooms
10:00 Clear kitchen, showers
10:30 Leave hut
11:00 Activities
17:00 Head for home

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